Covid-19 Testing
Students: We urge parents to continue to keep their children home if they are symptomatic. Although not required by the DPH, if anyone in the home is sick or symptomatic and awaiting a Covid test result, you may choose to keep well students home out of an abundance of caution until the individual receives their test results. When in doubt, please contact your school nurse.
Staff: We provide a pooled testing program to all staff to participate in, even if you have been fully vaccinated. If you have questions on whether you can submit samples, please ask your school nurse or testing coordinator:
Testing coordinators:
- District Coordinator, Justine Hall hallj@chelseaschools.com
- ELC/Elementary, Cindy Brown brownc@chelseaschools.com
- Middle Schools, Cathy Byrne byrnec@chelseaschools.com
- High School, Tylee Schraufnagel schraufnagelt@chelseaschools.com
Testing Resources:
Stop of the Spread is a free State's COVID-19 testing program made available in Chelsea through June 30, 2021. Visit www.ChelseaMa.gov/FreeTestings to register. For more information on COVID-19 symptoms and testing, visit About Covid-19 Testing. You can also find a testing site using Testing Sites Search on Mass.gov.