The Chelsea Public Schools Information Technology Department provides the equipment and services that enable 21st Century instruction and learning, while simultaneously supporting the efficient operations of the public school system. By building out a strong and reliable network throughout the schools, students are able to use technology to learn and access best-in-class educational software platforms. Teachers are able to utilize a vast array of online resources and employ the most modern technology to instruct Chelsea's children.
Student Tech Support
For parents/students, contact IT at 617-466-5070 or send us an email at it@chelseaschools.com.
Team Contacts
Position & Location | Name | |
Chief Technology Officer | Richard Pilcher | pilcherr@chelseaschools.com |
Network Administrator | Quoc Huynh | huynhq@chelseaschools.com |
Application Support Administrator | Norma Torres | torresn@chelseaschools.com |
IT Data Specialist | Mary Arrieta | arrietam@chelseaschools.com |
Web Developer | Diana Betances | betancesd@chelseaschools.com |
Lead Computer Technician, Middle Schools | Alejandro Rivera | riveraal@chelseaschools.com |
Computer Technician, ELC | Diego Reyes | reyesd@chelseaschools.com |
Computer Technician, Clark Ave | Jesus Maldonado | maldonadoj@chelseaschools.com |
Computer Technician, MCB Complex | Richard Wong | wongr@chelseaschools.com |
Computer Technician, High School | Randall (Luke) Hastings | hastingsr@chelseaschools.com |
Digital Literacy Coach, Middle Schools | Pamela Kessaris | kessarisp@chelseaschools.com |
Digital Learning Coach, Hooks and Kelly | Samantha Giangrasso | giangrassos@chelseaschools.com |
Digital Learning Coach, Berkowitz and Sokolowski | Mercy Deleidi | deleidim@chelseaschools.com |
Technology Department
Richard E Pilcher, Chief Technology Officer
299 Everett Ave
Chelsea, MA 02150
Phone: 617-466-5005
Email: pilcherr@chelseaschools.com