Browne Middle School
180 Walnut Street, Chelsea MA 02150 - Map and Directions
Tel: 617-466-5235 | Fax: 617-889-8459
View School Arrival and Departure Time (PDF)Principal: Kathryn Cook
Assistant Principal: Branden Carr, Joanan Sanchez Selmo
Family Liaison: Zuleima Perez
Grades: 5-8
School Day: 8:05 am to 2:30 pm on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday | 8:05 am to 1:40 pm on Wednesday ONLY
School Uniform: Yes
School Mascot: BulldogThe Browne Middle School is home to approximately 600 students in grades 5 to 8. The Browne vision is to disrupt inequities within the education system to truly establish a community where everyone experiences belonging. Through the use of the Gold Standard of Restorative Practices, our goal is to build a strong and positive school community where students, families, and faculty feel represented and belong. Our Spanish dual-language program, Caminos, is representative of the significant majority in our Chelsea community and speaks to this commitment. We want a community where students and adults trust each other to take risks to learn and grow and every adult in the Browne community believes that all students can learn and achieve. We aim to educate the whole child i.e. socially, emotionally, and academically. Our middle school vision of a Brown graduate is that students move to high school with awareness of their progress toward their cultivation of Four mindsets: Growth, Community, Curiosity and Reasoning mindsets; mindsets they need to be successful in high school, college, the workplace and in the world.
Our Academic Approach
- The Browne Middle School focuses on strengthening students’ reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills. This is accomplished through the use of Circles and builds on the Academically Productive Talk strategies used in the past. Each student sets goals in reading and numeracy skills and staff work with students below grade level to set stretch goals to help accelerate their growth.
- BMS supports social emotional development by using the Mind Up Curriculum and Circles, both of which take place every day. This will be the third year of using Mind Up curriculum, teaching students about the science of their brains and strategies for focusing attention, improving self-regulation, and building resiliency to stress, and developing a positive outlook. This year, a Circle format will be used to engage in deep conversations to build a trusting community across the school.
- Students in the BMS special education program are supported in general education classrooms by a Special Educator and the classroom teacher.
- BMS has comprehensive support services for English Language Learners. Foundational English Learners (ELPs 1-2) have two to three periods of English Language Development with a licensed EL teacher. Transitional English Learners (ELPs 3-5) have at least one period of English Language Development with a licensed EL teacher. ELs have access to all areas, which are taught by licensed content teachers who teach the subject while supporting language development.
- View 2024 School Report Card
Art, Music, and After-School Programs
- The Browne Middle School has multiple musical performances a year. Any interested student can participate. In each grade, students interested in playing a musical instrument can take a class.
- Afterschool programs include Debate program in Spanish and English, Soul Train running club, Art and Athletics.
Click here to register for athletics! Follow Chelsea Athletics on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
New This Year
- Our Home-School Compact is available for the 2023-2024 school year. Click here to read more.
- Join ParentSquare today, our new school-to-home communications platform for families. This platform will be used at all schools (Grades K-12). Join to stay up to date on everything happening in your child's classroom.
News and Announcements
2024 School Report Card
Families and communities are critical partners to a school's success. Just as a student's report card shows how they are performing, the school report card shows how a school is performing in multiple areas. It shows the school's strengths and the challenges that need to be addressed to ensure the school is meeting the needs of all students. Click here to view our 2024 School Report Card.
Sign Up for ParentSquare
Join ParentSquare today, our new school-to-home communications platform for families. This platform will be used at all schools (Grades K-12). Join to stay up to date on everything happening in your child's classroom.
Social Media
Click below to follow the Browne Middle School on Instagram! Haga clic a continuación para seguir a Browne Middle School en Instagram.
View this profile on InstagramBrowne Middle School (@brownebulldogs) • Instagram photos and videos
Click below to follow Chelsea Public Schools on social media! Haga clic a continuación para seguir a Las Escuelas Públicas de Chelsea en social media.
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