Special Education Contacts
Cindy D. Rosenberg
Administrator of Special Education and Pupil Personnel Services
617-466-5036 | rosenbergc@chelseaschools.comBridget Craig
Assistant Director of Special Education
617-466-5036 | craigb@chelseaschools.comCarolyn Bean
Coordinator of Related Services
617-466-5147 | beanc@chelseaschools.comTania Ayala
Financial Analyst
617-466-5036 | ayalat@chelseaschools.comMarilyn Flores
Administrative Assistant
617-466-5509 | floresm@chelseaschools.com
Special Education Department staff work with teachers, administrators, and families to ensure Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) for students are implemented with integrity.
Early Learning Center
Position | Name | Phone | |
Coordinator of Special Education | Corine Haener | 617-466-5166 | haenerc@chelseaschools.com |
Special Education Clerk | Keila Velez | 617-466-5175 | velezk@chelseaschools.com |
504 Coordinator/Assistant Principal | Kim Overbaugh | 617-466-5160 | overbaughk@chelseaschools.com |
Educational Team Leader | Haley Travalgia | (617) 466-1361 | travalgiah@chelseaschools.com |
Berkowitz Elementary
Position | Name | Phone | |
Educational Team Leader | Melissa Kelleher | 617-466-5369 | kelleherm@chelseaschools.com |
Special Education Clerk | Roberto Soto | 617-466-5304 | sotor@chelseaschools.com |
504 Coordinator/Assistant Principal | Kathleen Edwards | 617-466-5400 | edwardsk@chelseaschools.com |
Hooks Elementary
Position | Name | Phone | |
Educational Team Leader | Alexander Mael | 617-466-5405 | maela@chelseaschools.com |
Special Education Clerk | Kiaralis Sandoval | 617-466-5404 | sandovalk@chelseaschools.com |
504 Coordinator/Assistant Principal | Gretchen Saunders | 617-466-5408 | saundersg@chelseaschools.com |
Kelly Elementary
Position | Name | Phone | |
Educational Team Leader | Amanda Donato | 617-466-5355 | donatoa@chelseaschools.com |
Special Education Clerk | Jose Mojica | 617-466-5404 | mojicaj@chelseaschools.com |
504 Coordinator / School Counselor | Kelly Loria | 617-466-5350 | loriak@chelseaschools.com |
Sokolowski Elementary
Position | Name | Phone | |
Educational Team Leader | Allyson Fitzgibbons | 617-466-5456 | fitzgibbonsa@chelseaschools.com |
Special Education Clerk | Brianna Boland | 617-466-5454 | bolandb@chelseaschools.com |
504 Coordinator/Assistant Principal | Demetrius Fuller | 617-466-5464 | fullerd@chelseaschools.com |
Browne Middle School
Position | Name | Phone | |
Special Education Coordinator | Stephanie Haffa | 617-466-5237 | haffas@chelseaschools.com |
Special Education Clerk | Ariana Escalante | 617-466-5215 | escalantear@chelseaschools.com |
504 Coordinator/School Counselor (Grades 6 and 8) | Johanna Connelly | 617-466-5203 | connellyj@chelseaschools.com |
504 Coordinator/Guidance (Grades 5 and 7) | Alex Brean | 617-466-5230 | breana@chelseaschools.com |
Clark Avenue Middle School
Position | Name | Phone | |
Coordinator of Special Education | Michele Vaccaro | 617-466-5121 | vaccarom@chelseaschools.com |
Special Education Clerk | Jessica Buenrostro | 617-466-5112 | buenrostroj@chelseaschools.com |
504 Coordinator/School Counselor | Meghan Silk | 617-466-5134 | silkm@chelseaschools.com |
Wright Academy Middle School
Position | Name | Phone | |
Coordinator of Special Education | Patricia Darrigo | 617-466-5229 | darrigop@chelseaschools.com |
Special Education Clerk | Yolanda Perez | 617-466-5204 | perezy@chelseaschools.com |
504 Coordinator | Terrence Kennedy | 617-466-5208 | kennedyt@chelseaschools.com |
Chelsea High School
Position | Name | Phone | |
Coordinator of Special Education | Krystal Dixon | 617-466-5069 | dixonk@chelseaschools.com |
Educational Team Leader | Ariel Bohn | 617-466-5046 | bohnar@chelseaschools.com |
Educational Team Lead | Gina Campanella | TBD | campanellag@chelseaschools.com |
Special Education Clerk | Tania Amaya | 617-466-5026 | amayat@chelseaschools.com |
504 Coordinator / Coordinator of School Counseling | Ellen Kokinidis | 617-466-5008 | kokinidise@chelseaschools.com |
Out-of-District Liaisons
Position | Name | Phone | |
Out of District Liaison | Lindsey McCue | 617-466-5061 | mccuel@chelseaschools.com |
Special Education Clerk | Jalinette Jimenez | 617-466-5087 | jimenezj@chelseaschools.com |