Parent Information Center & Family Liaisons

  • Do you have more questions about Chelsea Public Schools, your child's school, or anything else related to CPS? The Parent Information Center and our school-based Family Liaisons are great resources available to parents and families. 

    Parent Information Center

    The Parent Information Center (PIC) is the main hub of information and resources for Chelsea Public School students and their families.  The PIC office is located at the Early Learning Center, via the Shurtleff Street entrance. PIC can help with the following services:

    If you have any questions or need information regarding the above and more, please feel free to reach out to the Parent Information Center via email or phone or you can also visit the office location during office hours.  Parent Information Center staff members can speak English and Spanish.

Click here to learn more about the CPS Parent Information Center
or call 617-466-5508

  • Family Liaisons

    We have dedicated Family Liaisons at each of our schools who support the families of all the students at their respective schools. If you are looking for information, have questions, or need to speak to someone at school, the Family Liaisons are available to help all CPS families. Please see below for a list of our liaisons, what school they serve, and how to contact them.

Position Name Phone Email
Family Liaison - ELC Krishell Orellana 617-466-5176
Family Liaison - ELC Delmy Mejia (617) 466-5177
Family Liaison - Berkowitz Elementary School Yolanda Valles 617-466-5322
Family Liaison - Kelly Elementary School Vivian Quiles 617-466-5350
Family Liaison - Hooks Elementary School Johnny Giraldo 617-466-5366
Family Liaison - Sokolowski Elementary School Ivonne Cano 617-466-5461
Family Liaison - Clark Ave Middle School Marlene Garcia 617-466-5047
Family Liaison - Browne Middle School Zuleima Perez 617-466-5212
Family Liaison - Wright Middle School Angie Garcia 617-466-5119
Family Liaison - High School Jay Velez 617-466-5071
Family Liaison - High School Olga Escalante 617-466-5022
Family Liaison - High School Yrlen Ysasis 617-466-5066