Class Offerings

  • All CPS middle school students attend core classes in English Language Arts, math, history and science.  Students also benefit from one period per day where they receive small group instruction and can work on topics or concepts that are challenging for them. This mirrors the I-block that is built into the high school schedule, and having it at the middle school helps prepares students for their eventual transition to high school. 

    In addition to core academic classes, all three middle schools also offer specialist classes in band, chorus, art, music, computer/technology education, and health. In the middle grades, student schedules change during the school year, and they have the opportunity to attend specialist classes every day.

    In SY2020, Browne Middle School and Clark Avenue Middle School added Spanish World Language instruction. This is part of the District’s efforts to strengthen and enhance students’ language skills so that they become fully biliterate and graduate with a Seal of Biliteracy (link here). In SY2021, the Caminos Dual Language Program, which was expanded to the 6th grade at Kelly Elementary School this year, will be moving up into the 7th grade at Browne Middle School. 

    All Chelsea schools have Chromebooks in all classrooms, allowing students to enhance their academic and digital literacy skills at the same time. Across the district, we have more than 1 Chromebook for each student!

    Music Room at CAMS           Sgrings at BMS