• From Principal Lisa Lineweaver

  • Principal Martinello Email: lineweaverl@chelseaschools.com 

    When you walk through the doors of the Kelly Elementary School, I hope you get the feeling right away that this is a special place where both students and staff are happy to learn every day!

    It’s an exciting moment at the Kelly School, because the Caminos dual-language program has been growing: For the first time in history, the Kelly School is now a fully dual-languguage school, with every student learning in Spanish and English every day!  And, our students are thriving!

    Being part of Caminos offers your child the opportunity to learn their grade-level content in both Spanish and English, so that he or she will:

    • Become truly bilingual and biliterate.

    • Connect deeply with their family’s and our community’s languages and cultures.

    • Achieve academically in all content areas, in both languages.

    • Take pride in growing their bilingual brains! 

    Check out our school’s Mission, Vision, and Values.

    As many of us know from first-hand experience, learning a language doesn’t happen overnight -- it is a journey! Appropriately enough, the word camino means “path” or “road.” Kelly School educators truly believe that while the journey may not always be easy, learning in two languages can be a source of power and pride for your child. Like our Caminos scholars, I am also working to grow my bilingual brain. I grew up in an English-only household, but I believe that part of my job as a school leader is to model what we ask our students to do. So, I read books in Spanish every night and push myself to practice speaking and writing in Spanish -- even though I know I’ll make mistakes. I want Kelly School students, staff, and families to see me taking academic risks -- and growing! -- just like our students do!

    We are “Together on the path to success!” -- ¡Caminando hacia el éxito! If your or your child’s experience at the Kelly School is ever less than excellent, I hope you’ll call or email me so we can work together to make this your child’s best school year ever. - Lisa Lineweaver

    About me: I began my career in education in 1998 as a 5th-grade teacher in Williamsburg, VA; earned my Master’s of Education degree at the Harvard Graduate School of Education, and worked with and in Boston Public Schools for 15 years before coming to the Kelly School in 2017. I also served as an elected member of the Chelsea School Committee for eight years.  My family has lived in Chelsea since 2002, and my two daughters attend Chelsea schools from ELC to CHS – so I work hard every day to ensure the Kelly School fulfills the CPS mission of welcoming and educating all students.